Five things to do on your trip to Kiribati

This small island nation in the Pacific Ocean is about as far away from your life as you can get.
Life-threatening Sea Level Rise in Kiribati
Life-threatening Sea Level Rise in Kiribati | Jonas Gratzer/GettyImages

For many people, travel is about leaving their usual lives behind and finding a new experience somewhere else. That often requires getting as far away from that usual as possible. Well, the Republic of Kiribati is about as far as you're going to find.

Kiribati is an island nation in the Pacific that's roughly halfway between Hawaii and French Polynesia. It's 119,000 people are spread across 32 atolls, though half of those people live on Tarawa atoll. And with only 6,000 visitors a year, it is the perfect place to just experience life without a ton of tourists.

Explore history

American Soldiers Look at Grounded Japanese Seaplane
American Soldiers Look at Grounded Japanese Seaplane | Historical/GettyImages

The Republic of Kiribati may be a small island country, but that doesn't mean it isn't loaded with history. Researchers estimate that the region has likely been inhabited since 3000 BCE. South Tarawa was actually the site of a major battle in World War II. There are many historical sites and memorials to explore on the atoll related to that era.

Snorkeling and diving

Since Kiribati is part of Micronesia, it should come as no surprise that a major activity for visitors is snorkeling and diving. There are magnificent lagoons and extensive reefs around most of the atolls. Getting to them isn't always easy, but the diverse marine life you find is more than worth the effort. Kiribati has been described as a paradise for divers and snorkelers, if that helps at all.


Places To Visit - Kiribati
Places To Visit - Kiribati | Sara Medici/GettyImages

Not everybody wants to swim with fish. Some people would rather try to catch them and Kiribati definitely has opportunities for that, too. The waters of Kiribati are teeming with life, including
huge schools of tuna as well as wahoo, marlin, and barracuda. Any one of those species will provide a memorable fishing experience for even the most seasoned angler.


Look, telling someone to go birdwatching comes with a lot of baggage. There are more than a few people who think it's just an activity for the elderly. In truth, wildlife spotting is a great thing to do for anyone at any age. In Kiribati, that means birdwatching since all of the mammals live in the ocean. There are dozens of species that call the atolls home or migrate there during winters.

Do nothing

Places To Visit - Kiribati
Places To Visit - Kiribati | Sara Medici/GettyImages

If there was ever a reason to go on vacation, this is the one. Just pick a beach and go lay down on it. Do nothing. Don't do any of the other things on this list and just lay there. Safely, of course. Put on some sunscreen. Remember that only 6000 visitors go to this tropical destination every year. It's not easy to get to but that means you're not worried about crowded beaches. Savor it.