Happiness is a big deal in all aspects of life. And for the past few years, Finland has absolutely been killing it in that department. The country regularly rates at the top of the list of the world’s happiest countries. But why is that?
As it turns out, there are a lot of good reasons for Finland to be viewed this way. While you might not be able to move there, the same things also make it a great place to travel to. And you should definitely keep this in mind when planning your trip.
Completely chill and not just in winter

When most people think of relaxing trips, they think about a beach at an all-inclusive resort in Mexico. Or maybe snorkeling in Hawaii comes to mind. But for the vast majority of vacationers around the world, Finland isn’t really high up on that list.
The reality is that it should be. Finland has a reputation as being an incredibly chill place to live and, by extension, visit. While this might not fit your normal vision of a relaxation destination, it might be worth further exploration before you settle on one of the standard choices.
Clean and safe
Part of being one of the happiest places to live is offering residents cities and a country that’s both clean and safe. Reputedly, Finland has been hitting that out of the park for years as it tops the charts in those categories.
The nice part about this is that being clean and safe is huge for tourists, as well. From a statistical perspective, Finland is the one of least dangerous places on Earth as crime is virtually non-existent. Helsinki itself is incredibly safe and the rural areas even more so.
A deep connection to nature
The Finnish people have long nurtured a real connection to the natural world around them. This is one of the greenest countries in the world, both in how they care for the environment and in how they interact with it.
When visiting Finland, it’s important to take the time to explore those aspects of the country. It has a variety of outstanding National Parks to check out. Each one of them offers its own look at the natural beauty that has been protected there.
Finland takes care of its people

While this one might not matter as much to tourists, it does factor heavily into the overall reason why Finland is such a happy place. And that’s the fact that this country takes exceptionally good care of its residents.
There are some aggressive social safety systems in place. That includes a variety of income security programs, different welfare programs, and a health system most countries would be envious of. All of this plays into making Finland marvelous for residents and visitors.
Freedom to be yourself
One of the top things that apparently makes living in Finland such a relatively happy experience is their general attitude towards life. There is definitely a world view that you should be able to live your life the way you see fit, as long as you’re not harming yourself or anyone else.
While the Finnish people are reputedly still working at being tolerant of other religions and cultures, the desire to grow and adapt to a changing world is there. As this aspect of their society continues to evolve, Finland will only become a better place to be.