The hardest part of planning a trip can be deciding where to go. On the upside, pretty much every magazine and website that is even travel adjacent offers up a best locations list around the new year. Sure, it's easy content but it's also kind of interesting. A lot of the same destinations often appear on these lists, which gives readers a good sense of what the hot spots might be for this trip around the Sun. What's even more interesting are the unique locales.
Last month, Vogue released their list of the top ten places to visit in 2025. Given the source of the list, you might be expecting cities like Barcelona or countries like France to be on it. And there's nothing wrong with either of those destinations. Well, except for the fact that tourists are becoming increasingly unwelcome in some classic destinations like Barcelona. As such, putting some new stops on your agenda might not be such a bad idea.

Vogue's top ten list has several surprises on it. The Siwa Oasis in Egypt is a big one. It's beautiful and relaxing, filled with both natural and archaeological wonders. Countries like Japan and Australia being on a list like this aren't a surprise. But the Ryukyu Islands in Japan and Tasmania, Australia being on a list like this is a little more out of the blue. All these locations deserve to be highlighted, though.
Keeping that in mind, you might want to plan a trip sooner rather than later. A lot of the places on this list don't have a huge tourist footprint, yet, but being on this list also means more attention. Siwa is a prime example of this at it's been on the verge of becoming a go to vacation destination for a while, now. Big media outlets like Vogue paying attention to it will put it on more radars.