Just like deciding where to eat for dinner, picking a destination for your vacation can often be the hardest part. Once you know where you're going, the rest of the choices start falling into place. But there are so many wonderful places to go with both time and money being limited resources. Not surprisingly, a lot of people spend so much time trying to pick where they're going to go that they never actually go anywhere. Or they just go to the same place they always end up at.
For once, a Tik Tok born travel fad is actually helpful. It's called vacation roulette and the premise is incredibly simple. You write all the names of places you want to go on slips of paper, put them in a bowl or a hat, and then pull one out. That place name is where you are going to go. Of course, that depends on you sticking to the plan and honoring the name pulled. No backsies.

This isn't a new concept at all. Drawing random names out of a hat, or some variation of the concept, to make a decision had been done millions of times before Tik Tok existed. That doesn't mean it isn't a fun idea to apply to your travel planning. Remember that the names on the papers are all places you wanted to go and couldn't decide between in the first place. The beauty of this scenario is that there really isn't a wrong answer. You just let fate take the wheel, so to speak.
If you want to take the game up a notch, try filling the hat with the names of places you don't want to go but are still safe to travel to. The challenge is then to have a great trip in a place you know nothing about and had no desire to go to. If you're feeling especially bold, head to the airport with your passport and a suitcase. Then, buy a ticket on the next flight out of town to wherever it's going. That takes a level of dedication to the game most don't have.