"Passport makeup" is a bad idea for those looking to travel the world

You may want to look great when taking your passport photo, but recognize looking great may limit your ability to use it when it is time to travel.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Customs and Border Protection | Thierry Monasse/GettyImages

TikTok is a social media platform that’s packed with comedy, information, and entertainment. But just like all the other social media platforms out there, it is also backed with bad ideas and misinformation. The travel industry isn’t outside of that touch either, as there’s a new trend on TikTok that can cause a problem for passengers. The idea of “passport makeup” may sound like a good idea, but it can open a whole can of troubling worms when attempting to travel overseas.

TikTok user Amelia Marni posted a video about getting your hair and makeup perfect when taking a passport picture. She even had friends to help get perfect lighting for the shot. This video has hit more than 3.5 million views, but those watching should be wary of the information shared.

Millions upon millions know what it is like to have a bad picture on their driver’s license. While there are jokes to make about that, that shouldn’t encourage the public to be extra fabulous when it comes to getting their passport picture done. The reason is that if the picture doesn’t look like you when it’s time to move through airport security, there’s a chance that you can be delayed if not completely denied from travel. You may look great in your picture, but you won’t be heading toward your planned destination.

The U.S. State Department has strict guidelines about passport pictures. It must be a recent picture that is taken within six months, no selfies, and no modifications on the picture including filters or other tools available with today’s technology. Your face must be clearly visible, including no hats or glasses. If you’ve had major surgery done on your face between your last passport photo and what you look like today, it is recommended that you get a new shot done. Google the area near you to find a local station where you can get an up-to-date picture taken to complete your passport application.

Just as with anything else, take the advice and information you find online with a grain of salt. It may sound like a good idea, but that idea can quickly delay and almost ruin your travel plans.