Look, if you're a vegan or a vegetarian of some iteration, this would be an absolutely terrible reason to go on a trip. Barbecue isn't for everyone. But if you are someone who appreciates the fine art of cooking meat on a grill of some kind, then get ready to hit the road.
Without question, the United States has some incredible barbecue options, particularly in the South. That doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't have more than a few heavy hitters in this department, particularly island nations who see good barbecue as part of their culture.

Not to be confused with the territory of American Samoa, the Independent State of Samoa is an island nation that is part of Polynesia. It's made up of two populated islands and several small, uninhabited islands. Samoan barbecue is similar to other Polynesian styles in that pork is king. It's heavily sauced and often adorned with tropical fruit.
Taiwan, officially called the Republic of China, is it's own country off the coast of the People's Republic of China. It's incredibly confusing. Still, Taiwan is known for many things, including delicious barbecue. Specifically, what many people believe to be Mongolian barbecue was actually developed in Taiwan. The entire style of cooking thinly sliced meat on table grills is 100% Taiwanese.

When it comes to daydreaming about tropical paradises, it's hard to top Fiji. It's made up of 330 islands, roughly a third of which are permanently inhabited, as well as more than 500 islets. Fijian pit barbecues are very popular, usually cooking lamb or chicken alongside the vegetables. Ginger and garlic also tend to factor heavily into the flavor profile.
The Philippines is another country spread across an archipelago of islands. The grand total in this case is 7,641 islands of various sizes and population densities, all of which are set nicely in Southeast Asia. Since this is a Southeast Asian country, satay is the name of the game when it comes to barbecue. This is beef, lamb, or chicken that's been skewered and seasoned, then cooked over coals.

There's no need to explain why Japan is on this list. The history and the culture attracts millions of people, as does the food scene. But most people equate that with great sushi. There is a surprising range of barbecue options in Japan, most of which are focused on seafood and vegetables. Still, grilling ribs and yakitori are a big deal. And the usual preparation features teriyaki barbecue sauce.