Christopher Allen

Christopher Allen

Chris was born and raised in the Atlanta, Georgia area before starting his personal travels by attending college in St. Charles, Missouri. After teaching in his own high school for three years, he set off on his global travels by accepting a job in Beijing, China. Since then he has lived and worked in two other cities in China (Nanjing and Suzhou), in Brazil (Curitiba), and in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City). His experiences have given him a better understanding of the world around him and how interconnected we all are in it. He looks forward to sharing some of his stories and travel tips with you.

Sports in China: MLB’s Latest Attempt

Christopher Allen

Connecting With Those Back Home When You Live Overseas

Christopher Allen

40th Anniversary of Vietnamese Reunification

Christopher Allen

London Paddington Station Area: More Than a Bear

Christopher Allen

Life of a Global Nomad

Christopher Allen

Chinatown Buses: A Cheap Way to Travel!

Christopher Allen

Shanghai Secret

Christopher Allen

Macau: A Land of Contrasts

Christopher Allen

Wrestling in Russia – Part 2

Christopher Allen

Wrestling in Russia – Part 1

Christopher Allen

European Vacation: Part 3

Christopher Allen

European Vacation: Part 2

Christopher Allen

European Vacation: Part 1

Christopher Allen

A Chinese New Year Travel Experience

Christopher Allen

798 – China’s Beijing Art District

Christopher Allen

Magnificent Morocco: Part 2

Christopher Allen