Cape Town’s Top 3 Must Do’s

Photo: Two Red Dots
Photo: Two Red Dots

Drought-stricken Cape Town remains one of the world’s hotspots for tourists. Here is our list of top three things you must try if you visit this fantastic city.

Hiking in the Table Mountain

Table Mountain is one of Cape Town’s iconic landmarks, so you cannot possibly miss it! If you visit the city, make sure that you try to take a trip to the summit.

Even if you are not in your best shape, you must do your best to climb its 1085 meters (3560 feet) to the flat summit and you will be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the whole.

Go sandboarding at Atlantis and Betty’s Bay

Many of us go surfing in the ocean, but if you visit In Cape Town you can try sandboarding. This extreme sport is similar to snowboarding, except that it takes place on sand dunes rather than snow-covered mountain slopes. And there are dozens of excellent sand dunes in the vicinity of Cape Town, offering perfect conditions for sand boarders to test their skills.

The two most popular sandboarding destinations are Atlantis and Betty’s Bay, located within an hour of the city center.

Sunset watching at Signal Hill

Romantic souls will be impressed with the magnificent sunsets at the Atlantic Seaboard, with Signal Hill being one of the best spots to watch the sun dip below the horizon.

This is the perfect moment to propose to your fiancée or girlfriend, if you can’t pluck up the courage to do it in your living room, for instance.