Nothing screams winter escape than a trip to Florida in the middle of winter and theme parks are a big draw for families with kids who have breaks through the school year. After a year off due to quarantine restrictions, travel restrictions, and more due to COVID, COVID travel in 2021 may be just as bad.
Florida is a state that is seeing an increase in COVID cases and especially in the Delta variant. A new strain has been reported in other countries but in the United States, there is still growing concerns over COVID and the transmission of the virus.
Florida currently has extremely relaxed mask requirements even during this increase of cases and at theme parks, they are only asking that you wear a mask indoors but other than that, everything else is back to relative normality.
Travelers to Florida need to be aware of the shifting situations. Snowbirds from the north will be making their annual migration to Florida for the winter and with them will be more potential for the spread of COVID. It isn’t a knock but more a reality given the current situations facing the country. We still have travel restrictions in place with both Mexico and Canada.
This is not to say that you shouldn’t travel to the state but only that you should keep track of what is going on within the borders of Florida and watch for trending outbreaks or rises in different parts of the state. You can follow some of those on the CDC website. In fact, you can use the CDC’s worldwide pandemic map to help with your travel questions.
Currently, the CDC has the United States listed as a level 4 country, the highest they issue. It may not be time to cancel your vacation plans but it should be time to reconsider some potential places that you go. It is highly recommended that you check with individual theme parks for changes to their policies as they can and will change over the course of the next several months without notice.
With so much still uncertain, it might be a good time to reconsider your trip to a Florida theme park or at the very least, check for current visitor status to get an idea on how many others may be working their way through the parks and thus, potentially, exposing others to a virus they may not know at that time, that they are carrying.