Ghost tours and a ghastly history makes Savannah a great Halloween stop.
Need somewhere to go for Halloween that will allow you to maintain social distancing and not begging for candy from strangers? Try Savannah, Ga.
Savannah, Ga. is located a short 10 miles off I-95 along the Georgia and South Carolina border. Here you will find both a rich and haunting history. From civil war battles to slave markets the history of Savannah is one that can be experienced any time of the year but it is Halloween that really gets the ghosts and ghouls flowing.
Savannah boasts over 40 “Ghost Tours” within the city and those tours will drag you through the cities darkest history and moments.
Once the largest city in Georgia, Savannah was built on the back of the slave trades and many men and women lost their lives. It is believed by many that the city remains haunted by those who have passed hoping to exact vengeance on those that wronged them.

The city is also full of creepy cemeteries where mass graves and ancient headstones beckon you to their side. The Colonial Park cemetery is reportedly a hotbed for ghostly interactions given the more than 1,000 persons buried there. Within it’s gated walls, people are buried that have died from “Yellow Fever”, both the Revolutionary war and the civil war. It is also said to be a cemetery where people were buried alive and voodoo rituals were staged.
The Old Pink House is one of Savannah’s most visited mansions and many believe it is still haunted by John Habersham, the original owner. The house is a restaurant now so we are not 100% sure if he stealing food in the middle of the night.
One of the best places to visit is the 17Hundred90 Hotel on President Street. Here Anne Powell, pregnant and in love with a sailor who was not her husband, killed herself when the sailor found out and left her. In her misery, she jumped out of the window in room 204 to her death. To this day, patrons still believe they hear her crying and some believe she has stood over them while they sleep. Anne is supposed to be a real ball of fun as she reportedly steals items from the guests and leaves them in other places. Guests who decide to stay in 204 are asked to sign a waiver.
Finally, another hotel, the Marshall House Hotel was once a civil war hospital and since it seems no one ever really leaves Savannah, there is a good chance you will understand why this city is one of America’s scariest.